Listen and Hear the Other Side

two people debating
“In case of dissention, never dare to judge until you have heard the other side.” (Euripides)

If you are someone who likes to think of him or herself as being rational and fair-minded, it is well to remember to try not to judge ideas and opinions too quickly or superficially.

There are at least two sides to every issue, and in order to fairly understand an argument or point of view, you need to try to accurately and honestly understand as many sides of an issue that you can. Just looking at issues from only your point of view could easily lead to forming a biased, narrow-minded and deficient understanding of an issue.

When you exercise fair-mindedness, you can see an issue more objectively than if you ignore or refuse to look at other points of view. You could be shortsighted or mistaken in your views or you could be prejudiced in ways in which you were not aware.

By “hearing” other sides of an argument, fair-mindedness helps you gain more information about an issue, and it can help to filter out personal prejudices and inaccuracies from your beliefs, leading you to making more rational and self-aware judgments.

Getting Personal

Prohibit private ownership of military style weapons. Whether you are for it or against it, what is the other side of the issue?

What has been your personal experience in hearing other sides of issues. Is this something you typically try to do?

Fair mindedness doesn’t require a lot of thought, it requires a lot of bravery.” (Toni Sorenson, American author)

Comment: It takes courage to exercise self-control and empathetic understanding in the face of ideas you don’t like or don’t agree with, as these ideas may threaten the comfort of your current beliefs, and challenge your capacity for tolerance.

Fairness is man’s ability to rise above his prejudices.” (Wes Fesler, American football player and coach)

“Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.” (Victor Hugo, French writer, author)

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By Gary and Esther Berkley

Gary and Esther Berkley are the authors of "Whatever You Become, Become Your Best - The College and Graduate Guide to Wisdom for Success in Life." Check it out at

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