AI ASSISTANT: Daily Quotation: (Wednesday, June 19, 2024) (Believing)



“We know that people can maintain an unshakable faith in any proposition, however absurd, when they are sustained by a community of like-minded believers.” Daniel Kahneman



“This quote by Daniel Kahneman highlights the power of social influence and confirmation bias. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Unshakable faith: People can hold onto beliefs very strongly, even if there’s little evidence to support them.
  • Absurd propositions: The quote suggests this unwavering faith can apply to even outlandish ideas.
  • Community of like-minded believers: Being surrounded by others who share the same belief strengthens that belief. People tend to seek out and value information that confirms their existing beliefs while discounting contradictory evidence.

This phenomenon can be seen in religious groups, political affiliations, or even fan cultures. Surrounding yourself with people who share your views reinforces your own perspective and makes it harder to consider alternative viewpoints.

It’s important to note that Kahneman’s work focuses on cognitive biases, not necessarily the validity of any particular belief system.” (Gemini ai)”

A few more ideas:

“His statement suggests that the social environment plays a crucial role in maintaining and validating personal convictions, regardless of how irrational they might seem. When individuals are surrounded by a supportive community that shares and endorses their views, they are more likely to hold onto those beliefs firmly.

This phenomenon can be explained through several psychological concepts:

  1. Social Proof: People tend to look to others for cues on how to think and behave, especially in ambiguous situations. When a group collectively believes in something, it serves as a powerful signal to each member that the belief is valid.
  2. Confirmation Bias: Within a like-minded community, individuals are exposed to information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs and are shielded from contradictory evidence. This selective exposure strengthens their convictions.
  3. Cognitive Dissonance: To avoid the discomfort of holding contradictory beliefs, individuals are more likely to align their thinking with the prevailing views of their community. This alignment reduces internal conflict and reinforces group cohesion.
  4. Social Identity Theory: Belonging to a group contributes to one’s self-concept and identity. Maintaining group beliefs becomes a way to preserve social bonds and a sense of belonging.

Kahneman’s observation underscores the importance of critical thinking and exposure to diverse perspectives to counteract the echo chamber effect that can arise within insular communities.” (Chat GPT)

