AI ASSITANT: Daily Quotation: (Tuesday, June 18, 2024) (Courage)



“Courage is not doing something in the absence of fear but knowing that something else is more important than fear. So we do it.” Tsem Tulku Rinpoche



“Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s quote, “Courage is not doing something in the absence of fear but knowing that something else is more important than fear. So we do it,” encapsulates a profound understanding of courage. It suggests that true bravery is not about being fearless but rather about recognizing that there are values, goals, or principles that transcend fear, compelling us to act despite our apprehensions. This perspective highlights the importance of purpose and conviction in overcoming challenges and underscores the idea that fear is a natural part of the human experience, but it need not be a barrier to achieving meaningful actions.” (ChatGPT)

A few more ideas:

“Here’s a breakdown of what it means:

  • Challenge to the stereotype: It dismantles the myth that courage is about being fearless. We all experience fear, but it’s what we do despite that fear that defines courage.
  • Prioritization: It highlights the importance of recognizing what truly matters. Courage involves acknowledging a cause or goal that outweighs the fear holding us back.
  • Action orientation: The quote emphasizes taking action. Simply understanding fear’s insignificance isn’t enough. We must choose to act on what we believe in.

This quote is a great reminder that bravery isn’t about being invincible, but about acknowledging our fears and taking a step forward anyway, driven by a greater purpose.” (Gemini ai)

