Something You Absolutely Need to Choose to Do

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” Charlotte Bronte


slow down and REFLECT

on the MEANING and the MESSAGE of today’s quotation


From your own personal experience or observations, what was an example of a specific individual hating something or someone? How did hate manifest itself in this example? What is your evaluation of the hateful behavior in this experienced or observed situation?



“Animals don’t hate, and we’re supposed to be better than them.”  Elvis Presley

“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.” Will Smith

“We are more inclined to hate one another for points on which we differ, than to love one another for points on which we agree.” Charles Caleb Colton

ai assistant


Interested in seeing what artificial intelligence (ai) has to say about the meaning of today’s quotation? Compare it to your own interpretation. You may be fascinated, or even possibly humbled.

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” Charlotte Bronte

“Charlotte Bronte’s quote emphasizes the preciousness of life and the futility of holding onto anger or resentment. By focusing our energy on nursing animosity or dwelling on past wrongs, we can squander the limited time we have on earth and miss out on opportunities for joy, growth, and connection.

This sentiment is not meant to minimize the very real pain that can be caused by others’ actions, nor is it a call to ignore or condone harmful behavior. Rather, Bronte’s quote encourages us to practice forgiveness, both for our own sake and for the sake of those around us.

Forgiveness does not mean condoning or forgetting the wrongs that have been committed against us. Instead, it involves releasing the anger and bitterness that can weigh us down and prevent us from moving forward. By letting go of our grudges and focusing on the present moment, we can create space for positive experiences and relationships.” (pi ai)

In summary, Bronte’s quote reminds us that life is too short to be consumed by negative emotions. By choosing forgiveness and letting go of past wrongs, we can create a more joyful and fulfilling existence for ourselves and those around us.



By Gary and Esther Berkley

Gary and Esther Berkley are the authors of "Whatever You Become, Become Your Best - The College and Graduate Guide to Wisdom for Success in Life." Check it out at

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