Our current situation can be viewed from a perspective that either emphasizes our relation to the past or the future.
The perspective that emphasizes the future focuses on our goals and ideals and on what we have hoped for and envisioned for in the future. It focuses on the challenges of becoming who we are inspired and really want to be.
In the matter of perspectives, it is our goals and ideals for the future and our commitments to them, even more than what has happened in the past, that merits our primary attention and recognition.
Getting Personal
In general, do you identify yourself more with things that have happened in the past or with your hopes and plans for the future?
Which would most accurately describe you as a person – what has happened to you in the past or what you plan to do in the future?
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” (George Bernard Shaw)
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” (Carl Gustav Jung)
“To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but what he aspires to.” (Kahlil Gibran)
….Top of post image, “What’s Next,” from pixabay.com