“What you see is what you get.” Unfortunately, that often may not be the case, and you would be wise to look beyond appearances.
Tag: inspiration
The Power Within
One of the most insightful moments in our lives is when we learn that we are stronger and more resourceful than we had thought.
Quotations and Insight
Quotations say a lot in just a few words; but most importantly, if they are worthwhile, create valuable insights into important and meaningful themes.
Do You Have the Ambition?
Many factors are known to contribute to becoming successful, and ambition is arguably one of the most helpful and motivational.
“You Gotta Believe”
It is going to be very hard to achieve a goal if you do not really believe that you have any chance of attaining it.
Reacting to “Bad Behavior”
Reacting to mistreatment and disrespect will often put you to the test. Can you maintain decency and self-control in your reaction?
Playing Roles and Being True to Oneself
It often takes a good amount of self-reflection and soul-searching to find out if what you have been doing is what you really want to do.
A Shift Towards Kindness
Experience in life can often cause a shift in how you appreciate and value different values and priorities.
Achieving Your Goals
To attain a goal, break it down into steps, and reach each step one by one. Keep stepping, and step-by-step will get you there.
Truth and Consequences
Telling the truth is a highly valued principle, but when you do tell the truth, sometimes the reaction of others may surprise you.