At the heart of education is not simply acquiring information, but becoming motivated to want to learn and to continue learning.
Tag: inspiration
Assume the Positive
Positive assumptions help lead to positive and constructive results.
Suffering and Success
Success rarely comes without having overcome some degree of suffering and difficulty. Just ask someone who has been successful.
Focus or Dabble?
Having goals and concentrating your attention on them can go a long way in shaping the likelihood of your success.
Living With a Blindfold On
You have to personally understand where you want to go before you can know if you have arrived where you wanted to .
Keeping Your Cool
Have you ever been persuaded by someone’s anger? If you want to persuade someone, don’t get angry, get smart.
Life and Living
The conditions of life is one thing, but the value choices, personal decisions, and responsibilities of living is another.
Letting Go of Resentments
You won’t be reading about the positive benefits of revenge in any book of wisdom.
Be Positive, It Beats the Alternative
You can choose your attitude. Choose wisely.
Do You Know What You Want?
Success in life becomes a lot more likely if you know your purpose, but knowing your purpose can be quite a challenge.