If you are seeking to become wise, know that the way ahead will not be all comfort and roses.
Tag: personal experience
Communicating with the Wise
Quotations and the communication of wisdom
Learning from Others
Learn from the experience of others. Why make unnecessary and avoidable mistakes, when often all you have to do is ask someone who has already been there?
Quotations and Insight
Quotations say a lot in just a few words; but most importantly, if they are worthwhile, create valuable insights into important and meaningful themes.
Become Wise On Time
Wisdom should not be just for old age, and if you are lucky at that. Best advice: work on becoming wise all through life, and start as young as you can.
Life and Becoming Wise
A challenge in life is to become wise soon enough to make a meaningful difference.
Personalizing Words of Wisdom
The value of reading quotations lies in the quality of their interpretation, in your efforts to derive insights from them that are personally meaningful and relevant.
Insight and Words of Wisdom
Insightful quotations give a creative verbal form to our experiences and intuitions, With just a few words they give us a new way to express something we understand.
Where Does Wisdom Come From?
Sorry, wisdom does not come automatically. Wisdom comes from education and learning, and not simply from growing older.