Overcoming Obstacles of Self-control


“The biggest enemies of willpower: temptation, self-criticism, and stress. (…) these three skills —self-awareness, self-care, and remembering what matter most— are the foundation for self-control.”  Kelly McGonigal

slow down and REFLECT

on the MEANING and the MESSAGE of today’s quotation


Self-awareness, self care, focusing on priorities – personally speaking, which of these do you consider to be the most important factor for the development and maintenance of self-control? Try to give an example from your own life.



“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies, for the hardest victory is victory over self.” Aristotle

“By constant self discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character.” Grenville Kleiser

“Mastering self-control, the act of restraining one’s emotions is the true key to success.” Timothy Pina


ai assistant


Interested in seeing what artificial intelligence (ai) has to say about the meaning of today’s quotation? Compare it to your own interpretation. You may be fascinated, or even possibly humbled.

“The biggest enemies of willpower: temptation, self-criticism, and stress. (…) these three skills —self-awareness, self-care, and remembering what matter most— are the foundation for self-control.”  Kelly McGonigal

“Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist and author, emphasizes that temptation, self-criticism, and stress are the primary obstacles to willpower. To combat these, she suggests cultivating three key skills: self-awareness, self-care, and remembering what matters most. These skills form the foundation for effective self-control. By being aware of our triggers, taking care of our mental and physical health, and keeping our core values and goals in mind, we can strengthen our willpower and achieve our long-term objectives.” (ChatGPT)

Interested in a few more ideas from ai?



By Gary and Esther Berkley

Gary and Esther Berkley are the authors of "Whatever You Become, Become Your Best - The College and Graduate Guide to Wisdom for Success in Life." Check it out at www.amazon.com/dp/B09593L5FT

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