Physical attraction often brings individuals together, and creates couples, but unfortunately does not assure compatibility for long term success in a relationship. Though not always, partners who are mainly bound to one another through sexual attraction may turn out to be poor matches when it comes to having shared values and interests, and compatible emotional temperaments. They may be good lovers, but can they also be good and lasting friends?
If you rely solely on physical attraction and chemistry to hold a relationship together, you will almost certainly find that unless you broaden and deepen the mutual appeal of your relationship, it will have little chance of thriving, or even of surviving in the long run.
Getting Personal
Have you ever been sexually attracted to someone, only to find out that other than physical attraction you had very little in common, and that you had no real desire to be with that person in a sustained relationship? If so, how did you resolve that contradiction?
“Sexual attraction pairs people, but does not match them.” (Mason Cooley, American aphorist, English professor)
“Instruction in sex is as important as instruction in food, yet not only are our adolescents not taught the physiology of sex, but never warned that the strongest sexual attraction may exist between persons so incompatible in tastes and capacities that they could not endure living together for a week much less a lifetime.” (George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright, critic)
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