Emotional sensitivity is the emotional dimension of listening and paying attention. It is what allows you to see and hear the emotions and feelings being communicated by others, and not just react to the content of their words.
Paying attention to the personal needs and feelings of others and treating them with respect and regard is what emotional sensitivity is all about. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life people often become neglectful concerning emotional sensitivity. They can become insensitive to one another, and they ignore one another’s feelings.
Becoming more emotionally sensitive to one another adds a positive qualitative dimension to relationships. It contributes to developing an emotional bond that supports a mutual feeling of being more sympathetically responsive to one another’s individual needs.
Getting Personal
How would you rate the level of emotional sensitivity in your following relationships?
- School
- Work associates
- Birth family
- Casual friends
- Close friends
From your observations, regarding these relationships, do you notice any significant differences in terms of emotional sensitivity? Does anything about these differences strike you as interesting?
“One of the easiest ways to discover if someone is compatible with you is to gauge their emotional intelligence. Are they a kind and sensitive person? Will they be respectful towards your sensitivities? Or, are they emotionally stunted? (Aletheia Luna, spiritual writer and counselor)
“To love someone. What does it mean?”
“To be at the same level of sensitivity.” (Vatsal Surti, Indian author)
Want to test your social-emotional intelligence, your ability to read feelings?
**** Top of post image (Happy Smile), from verywellmind.com