When you make an excuse you attempt to lessen the blame attached to your actions or deny your fault in causing a problem.
Tag: accountability
being answerable for your actions
The Way You Feel About Things
Do you have the right attitudes for being successful, and if not, what can you do about it?
Inside Job
It is tempting to become dependent on factors outside of ourselves, when we actually have the ability to do things ourselves.
Where Green Grass Grows
Results can often be improved if you adjust your focus.
Don’t Blame Destiny
Viewing your problems as being caused by destiny shifts responsibility away from you and onto sources outside of yourself. ,
Love vs. Really Liking
While often called love, love is much more than a feeling. It is, above all, a choice involving judgment and obligations.
Accepting Self-responsibility
Taking responsibility, and not blaming others, can be difficult and involves changing the way you understand a situation. You, and not others, become answerable for the consequences of your actions.