“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.” Epictetus
In Your Own Words…
In your own words, what is the main idea or theme of the above quote by the ancient Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus?
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” (Albert Einstein)
Getting Personal
Have you ever worried about someone or something, only to find out eventually that you didn’t really have anything to worry about?
What was it that you worried about, and what happened that eventually led you to realize that your worrying had been based primarily on your imagination rather than on reality?
Quotation AI Assistant
Interested in seeing what artificial intelligence (ai) has to say about the meaning of today’s quotation? Compare it to your own interpretation. You may be fascinated, or even possibly humbled.
“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.” (Mark Twain)
“There are people who are always anticipating trouble, and in this way they manage to enjoy many sorrows that never really happen to them.” (Josh Billings)
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.” (Corrie Ten Boom)