Looking in, not out


“Withdraw into yourself and look.” Plotinus


slow down and REFLECT

on the MEANING and the MESSAGE of today’s quotation


Do you typically set aside special times of the day or week to engage in introspection or is it typically something you do informally and spontaneously from time to time?

When it comes to introspection, be honest with yourself, how much time do you typically spend doing introspection. Rate yourself: (5 the highest) 1……2……3……4……5.



“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”  C.G. Jung

“We search for happiness everywhere, but we are like Tolstoy’s fabled beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, under him the whole time. Your treasure–your perfection–is within you already. But to claim it, you must leave the buy commotion of the mind and abandon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart.” Elizabeth Gilbert

“A man must find time for himself. Time is what we spend our lives with. If we are not careful we find others spending it for us. . . . It is necessary now and then for a man to go away by himself and experience loneliness; to sit on a rock in the forest and to ask of himself, ‘Who am I, and where have I been, and where am I going?’ . . . If one is not careful, one allows diversions to take up one’s time—the stuff of life.”  Carl Sandburg


ai assistant


Interested in seeing what artificial intelligence (ai) has to say about the meaning of today’s quotation? Compare it to your own interpretation. You may be fascinated, or even possibly humbled.

“Withdraw into yourself and look.” Plotinus

“Plotinus, a major philosopher of the ancient world, emphasized introspection and self-examination. This quote, “Withdraw into yourself and look,” encourages individuals to turn inward and reflect on their inner selves. Plotinus believed that true knowledge and understanding come from within, and by withdrawing from external distractions and focusing on our inner world, we can gain deeper insights into our own nature and the nature of reality. This introspective approach aligns with the broader philosophical tradition of seeking wisdom through self-awareness and inner contemplation.” (ChatGPT)

Interested in a few more ideas from ai?



By Gary and Esther Berkley

Gary and Esther Berkley are the authors of "Whatever You Become, Become Your Best - The College and Graduate Guide to Wisdom for Success in Life." Check it out at www.amazon.com/dp/B09593L5FT

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