One of the most important, yet often ignored, principles of success in life is that of self-care.
“Self-care… means doing things to take care of our minds, bodies, and souls by engaging in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress. Doing so enhances our ability to live fully, vibrantly, and effectively.” (
In pursuing success, it is easy to get distracted and forget to adequately take care of ourselves in the process, the effect of which can be to compromise and diminish our well-being. If not careful, we could end up exhausted, and possibly even disillusioned.
Warning: if you ignore self-care, the accomplishment of many of your goals can turn out to be personally disappointing and hollow experiences, causing you to question the underlying value and meaning of all your hard work.
Getting Personal
How would you currently rank yourself in terms of your self-care, (1 the lowest and 10 the highest): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you did not score a 9 or 10 above, and especially if you scored 6 or less, what if any concerns does this raise about your ability to make the best use of your talents and potentials?
“Don’t take your health for granted. Don’t take your body for granted. Do something today that communicates to your body that you desire to care for it. Tomorrow is not promised.”
(Jada Pinkett Smith, American actress)
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” (Katie Reed, American author)
….Top of post image, “Not Selfish,” by Madison Inouye, from