You cannot always achieve the goals that you set, but you can always try your best at what you do.
Wisdom Blog
“I have a dream….”
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Intuition and Success
Making good decisions often depends on using your intuitions based on personal experience and firsthand knowledge.
Seeing what lies Beyond What Seems
Things and people may not always be what they seem, but how does one get to know what lies beyond appearances.
Can You Trust What You Believe?
Can you believe it just because you believe it? How willing would you be to change your opinion on something or someone?
The Educational Stretch
Education does not simply fill the mind, but it expands and energizes it.
Settling for Less
Settling for something or someone : where ambition can take a profound turn.
Your Greatest Investment
Sometime your greatest asset is right under your nose, but you don’t focus on it or appreciate its potential value.
Success, but NOT by ANY Means
Is success by breaking the rules ever justified?
Do It Now!
Choosing does not only involve selecting among alternatives, but also whether or not and when you take action.