Introspection means “to look inside,” and describes the act of thinking about your own actions or inner thoughts.
Tag: becoming wiser
Success and Experience
Success involves more than solving problems.
Controlling Your Attention
Success often hinges on your ability to stay focused on and to direct your energies on what really matters to you.
The Art of Living
The art of living can be viewed in varied ways, some may be surprising.
Are You Using Your Time Wisely?
“He who will not when he may, perhaps may not when he will.” J.L. Fink
Become Wise On Time
Wisdom should not be just for old age, and if you are lucky at that. Best advice: work on becoming wise all through life, and start as young as you can.
Life and Living
The conditions of life is one thing, but the value choices, personal decisions, and responsibilities of living is another.
Using the Past Wisely
The past is best used as a constructive resource for making wise choices in the present.
Life and Becoming Wise
A challenge in life is to become wise soon enough to make a meaningful difference.
Introspection: The Power of Focusing Within
Introspection can be just as important as focusing on getting things done in working towards your goals.